Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me with a blog- never thought this would happen!

This is my very first blog post. I never in a million years thought I would start a blog. I have to admit I even made fun of people that had them. Over the last couple months I have found such great comfort in reading blogs going through the same issues my hubby and I are facing- INFERTILITY! Why the all caps you might think? This is how I see it and hear it- all in caps, screaming "No baby for you!" Today I had a phone call with my OBGYN and it has been decided she can no longer help us- she specifically said, "I don't know what else I can do for you." That is a hard thing to hear. I am waiting to hear back about referrals to see an infertility doctor now. I just have to say a little sick of all the waiting. Waiting for doctors appts, waiting for referrals, waiting for test results, waiting for my period(Please don't come again this month, I promise to miss you really bad!), waiting for our baby to finally be ready to join our very ready family. Enough for now- sorry for the whining to the one person that might read this. Hugs and love for now!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I never thought I would blog either, but here I am. You'll find a wonderfully supportive community here. And you're allowed to whine, scream, whatever hun, it's your blog!

  2. Sorry you have to join this community, but we are glad to have you! Hope you find comfort in blogging!

  3. Welcome to blogging and the blogroll. I hate waiting as well. I hope you are able to find a good infertility doc that can help you.

  4. welcome! i think no one ever imagined they'd be in this position. it always seemed like it would be so easy to get pregnant ... you are definitely not alone. i hope your journey is short!
